Seward Park Sword Fern Die-off
Wednesday, October 25, 2023
New Documentary Film Released Support Research into Species Decline in Seward Park’s Old-Growth Forest
Monday, May 23, 2022
Tim Billo on the current status of the sword fern die-off: full video of the WNPS event
Tim gave a detailed and compelling report on the regional sword-fern die-off, and all of the research and findings from the last several ye...
Tuesday, May 3, 2022
Fourth year of 5-year 36 fern experimental planting: "Ground Zero" ferns still thriving
In February 2018, we planted 3 lines of nursery sword ferns, 12 plants per line, hypothesizing that those planted into Ground Zero (GZN, GZ...
Sunday, May 23, 2021
Third year of 5-year 36 experimental fern planting: "Ground Zero" ferns still thriving
In February 2018, we planted 3 lines of nursery sword ferns, 12 plants per line, hypothesizing that those planted into Ground Zero (GZN, GZ...
Monday, October 5, 2020
Die-off hits an old pure stand of ferns, one of the last unaffected
The “high ground” is about five acres in the forest at Seward Park, bordered by the sqebeqsed and Windfall Trails. It occupies the highes...
Friday, August 21, 2020
Is the die-off (principally) caused by drought or climate change?
When novel & dramatic events happen at roughly the same time, we humans tend to think they are causally related - that one event caus...
Monday, July 27, 2020
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